
First Week of School

“There is a saying, ‘The heart wants what it wants.’ It is the only way I can explain the way the world keeps spinning.”

-Tom Groneberg, “The Secret LIfe of Cowboys”

I’m baaaack. So, I took about a two month break from my extended vacation–the majority of which I spent in Austin, Texas. I chose not to continue the blog during that period because it is, after all, a travel blog, and spending time in my home state is not technically traveling, but rather my personal life, and none of your damn business. I do hope we can still be friends. If you’re not a Texas native however, I will gladly provide details concerning the eccentricities of its vibrant and exotic state capital.
When I left Asia for the States, I wasn’t really sure where I would be returning come June, when I planned to actualize my reembarkation. In New York, my friend and fellow improviser, Mike Lepetit, alerted me to the fact that Manhattan College is looking to send students to Sri Lanka to teach english. Deciding this was the perfect opportunity to get back to a region I loved while gaining some actual working abroad experience, I petitioned the Dean of Education, Dr. Merriman, to allow me to partake in the excursion, despite my lack of educational background, (save subbing a few pre-planned middle school latin classes). And so it was that i, homeless, aimless Blair because Miss homeless, aimless Blair: Sri Lankan high school english teacher extraordinaire. Only scratch that last bit that implies I am any good at what I’m doing. I received the curriculum ahead of time, but no formal training or even observation, and am brought into a classroom of about 30 teenage boys the day after I arrive.
With me for the next 6 weeks are Mike and Melissa-both of whom are real life teachers. They’ve given me a lot of advise, so now, almost a week in, I’m feeling much better than my first day, though I am by no means the magnificent and motivating teaching machine I thought I would be…yet. If I could just get the kids to stop laughing at me. I feel about 12 years old again…I know they’re laughing at me, but I can’t for the life of me figure out why. Granted, there have been some moments which could potentially be considered humorous to a group of 16 year olds-specifically, a number of chalk-on-the-shirt mishaps, thanks to the small space provided between my desk and the blackboard. Beyond that though, it escapes me.
As you can imagine, since I’ll be working all week (plus Saturdays). There won’t be a whole lot of traveling to report…once again. We plan on taking trips around the country on the weekends (only to safe places, I promise), so if anything catches my eye, I’ll be sure and write about it. Until then, enjoy your summer. Just know that wherever you are…I am hotter.
(If you want Melissa or Mike’s blog, you can find them at melissain-srilanka.blogspot.com and mikeinsrilanka.blogspot.com, respectively)


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