The Grey Beyond

No matter how hopeless. No matter how far.

Greetings!  Here you will find an assortment of sightings, writings, and musings confusing by Blair Lampe. Feel free to root around and enjoy.

Opportunity Knocks is a collection of travel writings and ill-fated adventures gotten into and miraculously out of.  It’s disastrous.  It’s funny.  It often has nothing to do with travel.  It’s life on the road or anywhere else.

My Fellow Americanos is a special project under constant development.  Combining research, interviews and personal investigation into the expectations, conflicts, family life, and cultural influences of the citizenry, My Fellow Americanos is an exercise in definitions.

CityCityBangBang is a collection of pictures taken along the way, mostly shot with an Lomography Actionsampler.  This sweet little piece captures four shots over the course of a second to provide a dynamic examination of movement through still images.  Single images are taken with a simple Sony point & shoot…if anyone cares…

*Cover art by Borja Bonaque