
Back in Business

“It’s been a long time. Long time. I shouldn’t’ve left you. Left you without a dope beat to step to. Step to. Step to. Step to. Step to. Step, step. Freaky-freaky.”
-Aaliyah, Try Again

Well, you heard it here first (or more likely in that email I sent you with the link in it..why would anyone still be checking this blog after it’s been inactive for over a year? Whatever. I know who my real friends are.) I’m hitting the road again! Not quite as aimless as last time, so that’s something to look forward to. Here’s the setup: 3 month round-trip to India, Jan 29-April 30. This opportunity came to me as a nice way to turn apples into…when I put on my rosy colored…when something shitty actually turned out to work in my favor. Back in New York for over a year now, having a holly-jolly time. Truly. I almost want to say that my year here has been more eventful than my time abroad, but that would be a tough call. I’ve worked virtually every job known to man, braved the life of a citygirl, moved twice, ran a half marathon, and tricked quite a few strangers into becoming really good friends. A lot of my time has been funneled into the hERE Arts Center, where I boast a plethora of part-time/freelance little jobbies. Uuunfortunatly, the theatre is closing for a number of months for renovation, leaving me with a lot of free time on my hands and not so much income. Granted, I could have opted for another bout of craigslisting to see me through, but I decided it’d be better just to travel again. Am I right? Yes! Maybe. I do have the plane ticket (and visa this time!), but the airfare cost me more than I was expecting, so once I’m over there, it’s gonna be real interesting to see how I manage. But hey, that’s what India’s all about, right? Asceticism? Who needs people food when you have MIND food. Boy, let’s hope so…

In the meantime, any advice on where to go, what to see, how not to starve, etc would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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